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Her Idea Collective is a dynamic platform, empowering women entrepreneurs to transform their innovative concepts into thriving businesses with trusted resources, invaluable insights, and expert guidance.

Crystal Oakes

Founder at Oakes Creative House

Crystal Oakes is a dreamer, thinker, and professional problem solver. 

She comes from a family of entrepreneurs and is passionate about educating small businesses and nonprofits about strategic marketing. As the founder and lead creative at Oakes Creative House, a boutique marketing agency based in Oklahoma, she taps into her creativity every day to help organizations with a wide range of marketing projects. 

Her professional experience includes graphic design, photography, branding, event planning, merchandising, and all things digital marketing, including social media, email marketing, and websites. She has extensive experience in corporate global marketing and brand management in 22 countries across three continents and eight languages.

At Oakes Creative House, Crystal leads a team of seasoned designers, strategists and copywriters who create beautifully powerful brands that reflect the depth and wisdom of our dedicated clients. We love when someone new trusts us with a piece of their project. We believe that relationships are the foundation of meaningful, effective work. That being said, we love getting to know clients so we can anticipate their needs and dreams before they see them themselves.

Born and raised in western Oklahoma, she graduated with honors from the University of Oklahoma with a bachelor of fine arts in visual communications. When she’s not working on client projects, she enjoys spending time traveling with her husband, Steven, and is pretty much always covered in dog hair thanks to her two huskies, Kiya and Izzy. 


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Branding Services

Your brand is what sets you apart from your competition.  How you present your brand is what enables your customers to align themselves with your product or service and your company’s soul– to see themselves in it and using it.  Then they can’t help but push the BUY button! Your brand should make them feel that they are missing out on something big by NOT buying your product or service.

Websites and Hosting

Your website is your business’ home base! For many customers, it’s their first impression of you and your business. If it’s not built with the customer in mind, you’re holding up the customer journey. That’s why at Oakes Creative House, we believe in creating beautiful websites that are ALSO strategic. We obsess over understanding all the different ways that customers interact with your website so it can act as a team member for your business!


Marketing Services

Marketing is simply all the ways we design, craft and build your brand and communicate it to your audience with digital and print media.  

Commercial Photography

iPhones are ok for your personal facebook page,  but when it comes to showing your brand or products and services in their best light, you need professional lighting, staging, appropriate backgrounds and to show people loving your product! Let us orchestrate your photography either on site or in our studio.

Strategic Brand Consulting

If you could benefit from coaching calls here and there–or  full on-site strategy sessions, put our team’s experience to work for you! We understand that you may not have the budget to bring in a full in-house marketing team to do all the things you wantI. Instead why not pull ideas and expertise from a team of people who have been there, done that and learned every step of the way! We’re here to help you..

Marketing Plans

Stop driving without a map! With a marketing plan, we help you nail down the MOST effective next steps so you can grow your business with confidence. Marketing works best when you’re setting each piece up for success. A marketing plan helps you unlock the next step in your marketing journey.

Public Speaking

Public speaking is more about being a keynote speaker. It’s about inviting your audience in, allowing them to guide the conversation, interact and ask questions. Pulling on her 15 years of experience, Crystal is a pro at leading workshops and speaking engagements on marketing, branding and business. Invest in your business, yourself and your team by bringing in a speaker who knows her stuff. There’s no time like the present!


Oakes Creative House - Website Design: Business Marketing Done Right

The Business Marketing Done Right Course is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of modern marketing strategies and techniques that drive success in today's competitive business landscape. This course covers fundamental principles, best practices, and the latest trends in marketing to empower you to create effective marketing campaigns and achieve measurable results

View Course Here


Tim PriebeOwner, T&S Online Marketing

"Over the years, my team and I have sometimes been frustrated by having to micromanage freelancers. Crystal and Oakes Creative House have completely eliminated that concern. My project manager has great communication from Crystal and her team. Not only that, but I know Crystal works well with other freelancers, to the point of even providing ongoing education for them. She also has a great understanding of our needs and makes the whole process seamless and pain-free."

Erika Huffman

“I have partnered with Oakes Creative House on three website projects, two branding projects and development of another logo. I have worked as a public relations practitioner for an established PR firm over the last decade and could not recommend Crystal and her team more. In an agency environment, it's important to find partners who have the same commitment to client outcomes that we do and OakesCreative House has continually exceeded my expectations. They are incredibly responsive to questions and (generally self-made by us or the client) crises. Crystal is a problem-solver and has an excellent, high-level vision for each client and each project. She is an exceptional partner who helps keep me on track and on deadline instead of the other way around. Oakes Creative House fits in so well with the agency model and I intend to continue our partnership with any new projects that arise.”

Chloe Gee

“Working with Crystal is a dream. As a marketing professional, I like to think I know good work when I see it. I use Crystal for both contract work at my agency and for my personal business. If I need something spectacular for a client, if I am referring someone out, or I need something for myself- she's who I call. Oakes Creative House consistently delivers high-quality, creative products and services complete with caring customer support.”

Nikki P.

“Crystal is wonderful! She's engaging and insightful. Her coaching was effective and enabled me to work through some difficult problems. She provides invaluable step-by-step resources that are easy to understand and apply. Thank you for all of your help and everything you contribute to the business community!”

Caitlin Shogren

“Crystal has helped me tremendously in how I get my message and business out to my audience. I wasable to focus more on my social media output and my brand identity/strategy because of her guidance. Crystal has been a great mentor! I loved talking to her and getting her opinion about how to develop and move my business forward. She was always willing to lend her ear and give her advice when asked about your business. She made sure to develop a personal relationship with you rather than just a business relationship and it's helped create a lasting impression on me and (hopefully) everyone she works with."

Danielle V.

“ Crystal is a breath of fresh air, with a creative mind that is always thinking of new ways toapproach business. She is a wealth of knowledge and a wise sounding board to bounce ideasoff of. Crystal is direct with her thoughts and opinions and doesn’t sugar coat, howevereverything she says she does so with a kind heart, and from a place of truly wanting to help."

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